Made in Canada Products

Ez-Clean Testimonals

Before I tried ezclean I had an unfortunate incident where my boyfriends clothes were thrown into the washing machine covered in grease. Even though I tried to clean my washing machine afterwards my next load of laundry found a few of my shirts wrecked because they were stained with grease. When it was suggested I try ezclean I bought a bottle and when right home and tested it on some greasy work clothes and an extra rinse with a little splash and my washing machine was clean! No more grease stain accidents. I also just happened to be very pregnant and so I use this on my now 9 month olds clothes and we don't get the super stained clothing! I also have a small backyard as I live in a townhouse, I occasionally spray the fence and gravel area to keep it from smelling from the poop and urine from my dog! Also helps spraying the cat litter area every now and then. Pretty much every dirty job I have to clean up after I use ezclean as a cleaner and a deodorizer! I love it!
Unfortunate Incident with Grease
Shelby MacDonald - Calgary

A cat snuck into the car unnoticed and stayed there for two days. The cat urinated on the carpet in the
back seat foot well of the car.
I applied 1 cup of full strength ez-clean and let it sit for a week. I sold the car without any mention of cat urine.
Cat Urine in a Vehicle
Farm owner in Bowden

Sometimes when you incubate chicken eggs one will go rotten and leak its nasty insides into the water
reservoir of the incubator. You are unable to take the water out, as you will disturb the rest of the eggs.
A 1/2 a cup of full strength ez-clean was poured into the water reservoir. The water changed from cloudy to clear and the rotten egg smell disappeared.
All remaining chicken eggs hatched and the chicks were healthy.
The Chicken Incubator
Farm owner in Bowden

We have a concrete basement floor with shag carpet. The cat had been urinating in one area for years, we finally had the carpet pulled up but the cat urine smell remained.
We made the area on the concrete damp with water and then applied ez-clean to the area. The cat urine smell is gone.
Cat Urine on Concrete
Customer in Red Deer

We have an elderly dog that cannot hold his bladder for the length of our work week. He howls if we leave him outside and howls if we kennel him inside. He will sometimes pee on the carpet and concrete in the basement. We used ez-clean diluted with water. We spritzed it on the concrete and poured it into the carpet and under lay. The pee smell was lessened the first time and after the second application it was gone. We have a jug on hand for future use.
Elderly Dog Bladder Issues
Customer in Canmore

My sons bed has been the site of a peeing war between our old cat and our new cat. I have used ez-clean full strength on the mattress as well as in the washing machine on the bedding. It works really well.
Cat Urine
Customer in Bowden

I had an old carpet stain behind the couch from my old dog. It has been there for years. I have used other cleaning products on it previously but it still remained. I pre soaked the stain with water and blotted out the liquid to make sure there weren’t any chemicals in the stain. I applied ez-clean to the stain, covered it with a piece of plastic wrap and then left it alone. It took about a week to dry and once dry the stain was visibility less noticeable. I reapplied ez-clean and after another week I am very happy with the results.
Pet Stain on Carpet
Customer in Calgary

I own a grooming shop and we are in a rural area. We get skunked dogs often. I soaked the dog with water and ran full strength ez-clean through its fur like I would a leave in conditioner. It worked great.
Customer in Stettler

We live on a multi herd farm. Sometimes we take sheep to auction, sometimes we take cows, other times we take our pleasure horses to the mountains. It is a very well used trailer. When we clean it out we use a pressure washer. The last step is to pour a diluted mixture of ez-clean on the rubber mat flooring. It freshens like a dream.
Rubber Mats in Stock Trailer
Rancher in Innisfail

Our yard is synthetic grass and gravel. We have four dogs 2 females and 2 males. The males like to pee on the fence post and the females like to pee on the grass. We use ez-clean in a spray nozzle attached to the hose. The spray nozzle has number dilution increments on it so we can choose what dilution of ezclean we want to use. In the spring we use ez-clean at a stronger dilution to clean up the winter mess. We find we use ez-clean twice a month to freshen the yard. Nothing is worse than hot weather and the smell of dog pee in your back yard. We can bbq and enjoy our back yard.
Synthetic Grass
Dog Owner in Spruce Grove

Stinky rubber boots. My farm boots are the worst in the mucky spring. They get that stinky feet smell in them. I spray ez-clean in them and it takes the smell away.
Stinky Boots
Farm Owner in Bowden

We live on an acreage and have a septic tank. We are a family of six, have 3 washrooms and do a tonne of laundry. Once a year we put a bucket of ez-clean into our septic tank. Ez-clean digests the solids in the septic tank and takes away the rotten egg smell that accompanies the grey water when the tank flushes itself.
Septic Tanks
Acreage Owner in Spruce View

When I change my cat litter box I spray ez-clean on the bottom of the tray before I refill the litter. It helps keep the urine smell down as I have three indoor cats.
Cat Litter Box
Cat Owner in Edmonton

My husband and sons hockey equipment can sometimes be an over powering smell. I sprayed ez-clean on the inside of the bag as well as on all the sweat soaked pads. They all smell great and makes the car rides so much more pleasant.
Sport Equipment
Hockey Mom in Cochrane

We have rubber mats in our doggie daycare. We use a mop and bucket with ez-clean and hot water every second day on all our floor mats. The place smells great. We alternate our cleaning regiment with bleach for disinfecting and ez-clean for odor control.
Doggie Daycare
Dog Training & Day Care Facility in Calgary

I have a tan colored horse blanket. By the end of the spring it is disgusting…covered in mud and poop. I wash it at a laundry mat I used instead of soap and it ez-clean cleaned up nicely. It even took out the greenish poop stains that are normally left when I wash with soap.
Horse Blanket
Horse Owner in Calgary

I breed dogs. At times I will have multiple adult dogs and puppies. I do a lot of laundry. I use ez-clean to presoak any bedding that has been peed on. I have a 5 gallon bucket that I dilute ez-clean into with water and let the bedding soak overnight. I then wash the bedding and it comes out smelling neutral.
Kennel Odor Control and Cleaning
Kennel Owner and Breeder in Red Deer

Chihuahuas pee a lot. Sometimes in their crate sometimes on the carpet. They are a stubborn breed and often are hard to house train. I use ez-clean on the bedding in the wash and I use it full strength on the carpet stains. I find it embarrassing to have my house smell like dog pee and ez-clean has really worked wonders as I have 10 Chihuahua.
Chihuahua House Breaking
Dog Breeder in Red Deer

We have been using EZ-Clean in our Doggie Daycare (Sit Happens!)for over 3
years now. We get comments daily how our training facility doesn't smell
like some of the other doggie daycares in the city! When you have multiple
dogs in a room it is hard to keep it smelling like roses and using EZ-Clean
makes this happen!
I also personally use it at my home inside and out. One of my dogs is
notorious for tracking biologicals in the house so I clean my floors with
Ez-Clean. My dogs also pee on my deck and it use to get really smelly. I
now spray my deck and rocks off with EZ-clean and they smell is GONE!! I
clean out my cats litter box with it and last and but not least, I have use
it when my daughter has had an accident in bed when we were potty training.
The stains and smell are gone! I have even used it for getting out vomit
Ez-Clean has so many multiple uses in my home that I recommend it to
everyone that I know. It is by far the best product I have used for getting
out tough biological stains and smells.
I recommend using EZ - Clean for everything!!
Doggie Daycare (Sit Happens!)
Jenn Fraser, CPDT-KA, KPA-CTP